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Innovation   /   MaestroPizza

Signature Oven Series

MaestroPizza Oven

To become a pizza legend, you need more

Are you ready to ascend from a hobbyist to a pro-baker? Say hello to the Teka MaestroPizza Oven, your ultimate baking machine for crafting restaurant-quality pizzas right at home. And with its versatile features, your epic pizza nights can extend to delicious breads and pastries. Welcome to your ultimate home-based pizzeria experience.


Multi-Award Winning Excellence

Teka's MaestroPizza has garnered numerous prestigious awards, including the International Good Design Award, the European Product Design Award, and the International Design Award. These accolades underscore our dedication to bringing you exceptional quality with effortless home cooking.

More Temperature,
More Perfection

Teka MaestroPizza oven's automatic function takes your pizza game to the next level, reaching a scorching 340ºC for that perfectly crisp crust every time.


More crunch and flavour

The exclusive Pizza Stone isn't just for pizzas - it absorbs moisture from any dough, ensuring a deliciously crunchy exterior whether you're baking pizzas, breads, or pastries. It's like having a professional stone-fired oven at home, versatile for any bake!

Note: Over time, you may notice some natural discoloration on your Teka Pizza stone. This is a result of the cordierite's porous nature absorbing oils and other residues from food during the cooking process. This is completely normal and doesn't affect the stone's performance. ​

For cleaning, use a stiff brush and plain water. Avoid using soaps or detergents as they can leave a residue which may affect the flavour of your food. Please be aware that while cleaning will help maintain hygiene, it may not fully restore the stone's original colour.

More pizzas in record time

Imagine cooking 10 pizzas in just 30 minutes! With Teka MaestroPizza oven's combination of high heat and the Pizza Stone, you'll have a delicious, perfectly baked pizza in just 3 minutes.


More professional pizza accessories

Turn and take out your pizzas like a pro with Teka MaestroPizza oven's must-have accessories. You'll feel like a real chef in your kitchen.

A world of cooking options

Teka MaestroPizza oven isn't just for pizza - it's a versatile multifunctional oven that can cook anything you want. Get ready to elevate your cooking game!



HLB 8510 P
MaestroPizza Oven



HLB 85 Infinity G1
Pizza Oven

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